Posted by Jeff Ronstadt on Nov 02, 2017
The presentation will be based on a few research projects that concern honesty and cheating.  Martin Dufwenberg will in this connection also illustrate several research methods that are important in modern economics: game theory, lab experiments, and ideas from psychology.”
Biography ~ Martin Dufwenberg
Martin Dufwenberg is Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for Behavioral Economics at the University of Arizona. He defended his PhD in Uppsala in 1995, and has been affiliated with universities in Tilburg, Uppsala, Stockholm, Bonn, Gothenburg, as well as Bocconi University in Milan. His research uses game theory and experiments to incorporate insights from psychology into economic analysis. His publications have received 7000+ citations on Google Scholar, articles appearing in e.g. the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Neuron, Review of Economic Studies, and Journal of Economic Theory. Some of his current work focuses on anger, guilt, reciprocity, cheating, informal agreements, backward induction, superstition, and developing the general framework of so-called psychological game theory.