Posted by Charlotte Harris on Oct 06, 2022
Ginny Clements ~ Biography
In the late 1950’s, as a fifteen-year-old teenager, immersed in many extracurricular activities and living my life to the fullest, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Then, the only treatment for breast cancer was a total mastectomy, including removing lymph nodes and some chest muscles. Little did I know (now) 66 years later, I would have the chance to be an advocate and spokesperson for breast cancer. I give thanks every single day for being a breast cancer survivor.

Even though breast cancer is one of the better-known and more-talked-about cancers, there are still so many misconceptions about the disease. Unless someone personally experiences breast cancer or they are close to someone who does, they might not be able to separate myth from fact when it comes to this disease, like who gets it, and what treatments are available.
It is an honor, a privilege, and my passionate mission to tell my story to bring awareness to breast cancer screenings, diagnosis, prevention, and treatments, and to let our community know of the incredible resource that we have right here in Tucson at the Ginny L. Clements Breast Cancer Research Institute.