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Arizona’s Mental Health Crisis

Arizona is facing a mental health and substance abuse crisis never seen before. What is shocking is the state ranks an appalling 49th as measured by the high rate of mental illness and low access to care, according to the 2023 State of Mental Health in America report. This is the moment for collective action and disruptive innovation to address this crisis across multiple fronts.

Read our Annual Report

The Healthy Communities and Wellness Alliance is a collaborative education-industry-government-community initiative to reimagine Arizona's behavioral health ecosystem. The Alliance brings together forward-looking organizations championing new healthcare models, next-generation workforce training, lifestyle change, and emerging technologies to improve health outcomes for communities, families, and individuals. The Alliance advances a whole-system problem-solving approach and helps partners design, prototype, and fund behavioral health solutions. The Alliance is an innovation accelerator enabling the health and wellness ecosystem to thrive.

All Hands On Deck!

Let's get to work!

Arizona’s future prosperity depends on wellness and positive mental health. The COVID pandemic crushed us. Stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, burnout, absenteeism, suicidal thoughts, and lack of job engagement damaged our community’s cohesiveness, economic health, and productivity.

And mental health challenges continue to escalate in today’s hypercompetitive environment, inflationary uncertainty, polarized politics, technological job obsolescence, supply chain risks, and pressures to upgrade workforce skills.

The Wake-up Call

Arizona ranks an appalling 49th, as measured by the high rate of mental illness and low access to care (2023 State of Mental Health in America). Our mental health system is struggling to keep up with tremendous service demand, particularly for low-income, minority, elderly, and student populations.

We Must Act Now

No single organization can address this complex challenge alone. We must collaborate decisively across healthcare, government, business, education, and non-profit organizations.

The best strategy to achieve a positive mental health and wellness culture in the workplace, schools, and communities is through collaborative action.

After extensive discussions with Tucson area leaders in the mental health field, three priorities for collaborative action emerged:

Priority No. 1: Accelerate Training

First and foremost, mental health professionals must be available to handle the exploding demand for services.

Arizona faces a severe shortage of workers in mental health occupations — presently, there are over 4,600 unfilled positions state-wide and 560 in Tucson.

It is a profession with high stress, long hours, and low pay.

Healthcare providers are having a hard time recruiting and retaining staff.

The consequence is “health deserts” in urban and rural areas, lengthy appointment waits times, and growing health injustice.

Businesses, governments, universities, community colleges, and healthcare providers need to forge innovative training partnerships.

Attracting students, and fast-tracking them through an accelerated curriculum, job internships, and certification status — can produce remarkable benefits.

An outstanding example is the Pima Joint Technical Education District (JTED), which works jointly with businesses and multiple school districts. JTED is building an Innovative Learning Campus which will house the Mel and Enid Zuckerman Center for Health and Medical Careers, offering programs in licensed nursing assistants, medical assistants, and public health.

To make mental health careers attractive, higher pay will be essential, and changes in insurance reimbursement rates for healthcare providers are needed.

Priority No. 2: Integrate Social Determinants of Health

Let us build on existing community pillars of strength to cooperate and collaborate for a comprehensive solution to the crisis.

Managing the underlying factors contributing to behavioral health disorders and inequities is crucial for developing sustainable solutions.

Let us energetically address existing crises of unemployment, poverty, inequality, and social exclusion that cause distress and impact an individual’s health and wellness.

A fragmented healthcare system with delivery siloes of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health will only lead to suboptimal outcomes, recidivism, and inconsistent continuity of care. A coordinated approach with other sectors is needed to address underlying social determinants of health, such as housing, transportation, nutrition, employment training, and social and spiritual support.

 Priority No. 3. Leverage Digital Technology

Telehealth and mobile health applications soared during COVID.

Increased R&D investment in health is a precursor of the coming tsunami of digital devices, real-time data collection, and artificial intelligence-driven diagnostics, treatment, monitoring, and deep learning applications.

Our leading researchers and innovators are working on new healthcare models that are collaborative, preventive, personalized, participatory, immersive, on-demand, data intense, and value-driven.

Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona are well-positioned anchors for establishing Arizona as a Health and Wellness Tech Hub for conducting applied research, designing demonstrations, commercializing intellectual property, nurturing entrepreneurial startups, and creating jobs.

We believe this is the moment for action and the transformation of the behavioral health ecosystem so that more Arizonans can live healthy, prosperous, and flourishing lives.

Conrad Plimpton and Egils Milbergs are Founding Directors of the non-profit Healthy Communities and Wellness Alliance

What is Behavioral Health?

Behavioral health is the connection between a person's behaviors and overall well-being. It includes various conditions and disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, substance use disorders, and mental conditions impacted by social determinants of health (SdoH).

Behavioral health concerns how these conditions affect a person's daily life, relationships with others, and ability to function effectively. Behavioral health encompasses preventing, diagnosing, and treating these conditions and focuses on improving a person's overall quality of life.

Holistic Approach to Health

The COVID pandemic has demonstrated the need for an integrated and holistic approach to health and wellness rather than reactively providing treatments when sick.

Holistic health and wellness refer to an approach that considers the whole person, including physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. It is the idea that health is not just the absence of disease but the complete well-being of the body, mind, and soul. This approach emphasizes the importance of addressing all aspects of a person's life to promote optimal health, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, relationships, spirituality, and personal growth. Holistic health and wellness aim to create balance and harmony within a person to achieve overall health and happiness.

Healthcare is moving beyond siloed single-provider models to a cross-sector multi-layered care model. More healthcare providers are adopting holistic health concepts and becoming more proactive, preventive, participatory, technology-enabled, on-demand, and value-driven. Robust monitoring, communication, and artificial intelligence tools are augmenting diagnostics and treatments and developing options for home care and personal lifestyle skills.

Supporting Communities

Health and wellness happen within the context of a larger community. The Alliance works to ensure that our children, families, and individuals have the necessary tools, infrastructure, and spiritual support to flourish and live a healthy, longer, and purposeful life.

“With the collective resources of the Alliance, we can serve community health needs better than ever.”